I am NOT a Juvenile Delinquent

Appearing in June 2020

©Joanna Eldredge Morrissey

©Joanna Eldredge Morrissey

Published by Mango Publishing

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The loss of a child …

  and the subsequent quest for the easing of anguish and the struggle to find meaning in a life now seemingly absent of any, is hardly a new story. Each of us who has floundered through such a loss goes through it differently. My adult experience as a psychotherapist, teacher and writer, would mix with my strict 50’s Catholic childhood, gender socialization as a woman and newfound Buddhist beliefs, to form the many strands that would lead me to a unique path out of that dark forest. I Am NOT a Juvenile Delinquent is an account of this circuitous journey. It tells of my decade of volunteering as a poetry teacher at a residential treatment facility for delinquent girls, and of the passion that grew in me for pushing their voices out into the world, Moving through this new universe with confusion, excitement and devotion to them, I was surprised to find a way to carry my grief differently. The “letting go” everything I’d read and heard preached as necessary for moving on, came to mean realizing that acceptance of things as they are needed to take the place of hope for relief from my constant pain.


From Paula Shaffer Robinson at Story Circle.org :

“Every time I picked up this book, I kept putting it down after a bit to reflect. And sometimes cry. Or cringe. Absorb. Pause. Reread. That’s the impact of author, poet, and family therapist Sharon Charde’s book, I Am Not a Juvenile Delinquent: How Poetry Changed a Group of At-Risk Young Women.” READ MORE

